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Writer's pictureFangxue Wang

Welcome to join EICC Global Innovation Webinar Series--April 2021

Series of Global Innovation Webinar

New Normal and Rethinking: Global Innovation in Post COVID-19 Era

Strategic Themes:

Global Trends, Opportunities and Challenges

in Post Covid-19 Era for International Collaboration in the Global Higher Education, Global Economy and Science & Technology Innovation

Peace, Dignity and Equality on a Healthy Planet

Theme of the Month:

Creativity and Innovation


Innovation is at the heart of the global economy. The spread of the Covid-19 epidemic has had a major impact and implication on the operation of the world economy, the global governance system, and the international political landscape and the global higher education. However, from a comprehensive, dialectical and historical perspective, the essential nature of the interdependence of the human society still exists. The basic elements of economic development, the objective laws of the global governance, the global academic impact of universities and colleges and maintaining peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet cannot be completely changed by an epidemic. In 2017, United Nation decides to designate 21 April as World Creativity and Innovation Day.

The main goal of this series of innovation forums is to explore the new normal and rethinking of the global innovation trends, opportunities and challenges in the post COVID-19 era, inspire current and strategic thinking, provide a platform for exploring linkages and mechanisms, and explore appropriate and effective modes of maintaining peace, embracing innovation and sustainability, strategic alliances between governments, universities and global firms, international trade, knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing, culture creativityand technology innovation and collaboration globally. Our intent is to provoke creative and innovative ideas, by bringing together various stakeholders, including academics, researchers, university presidents, deans of business schools, corporate leaders, policy makers, venturecapitalists, managers, and senior students for exchange of ideas, research findings, current experiences, best practices, and lessons learned. The intellectual lens will rotate around addressing various questions of new normal and rethinking of global trends, opportunities and challenges in the post covid-19 era with a focus on maintaining world peace, dignity and equality in a healthy planet.

The theme of webinar for this month is Creativity and Innovation. The distinguished speakers at this webinar include Shatrughna Sinha, Deputy Consul General of India, New York, USA, Dr. Li Pengde, Member of Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC), Vice President, China Geological Survey(CGS), and Jim Dong, 5G Solution Architect of Huawei (UK).

You will hear fresh perspectives from our distinguished speakers on Creativity and Innovation.


•United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)

•Organization of Economic Collaboration and Development (OECD)

•Research Centre for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University, China

•China Association for Management of Technology (CAMOT)

Host Institution

•ELITE Innovation College Cambridge, United Kingdom

Collaboration Partners

•Chinese Students and Scholars Association, UK (CSSAUK)

•Association of Self-funded Outstanding Student Award UK (ASOSA-UK)

Academic Sponsors:

•Research Centre for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University, China

•Innovation & Entrepreneurship Centre, Guanghua Management School, Beijing University, China

•Media Sponsorship:

•UN New Media PeaceeverTV

•Outlook China

•UN Chronical

•UNAI Newsletter

•MBA Education Network, China

Key words:

New Normal, Internationalization, Globalization, Post COVID-19, Global Academic Impact, Global Economic Environment, Embracing Innovation, Global Responsible Leadership, Collaboration and Development for Education, Science and Technology Innovation


Frequency: Monthly

Duration: 90 minutes

Date: 30th April, 2021 Friday

Time: 13:00-14:30 GMT UK

Language: English

Format: Virtual / Zoom


General Convenor: Professor Richard Li-Hua, Founder and President, CAMOT, ELITE Innovation College Cambridge, United Kingdom (EICC)

Remarks by Ramu Damodaran, United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)

Remarks by Professor Jin Chen, Tsinghua University

Remarks by Jonas Wilcks, OECD

Distinguished Speakers

Mr Shatrughna Sinha

Deputy Consul General of India, New York, USA


Technology: A Road Towards A More Cooperative World Order?

Dr. Li Pengde

Member of Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC),

Vice President, China Geological Survey (CGS)

Principal of China to the Group on Earth Observations (GEO)


Innovating Geospatial Big Data Ecosystem for a Better Global Digital Economy

Mr. Jim Dong

5G Solution Architect, Huawei


5G Innovations Enable Industry Digital Transformation

Chair: Dr Lucy LU

Panel Discussion: Question and Answer


Welcome to join EICC Online Global Innovation Webinar!

Join the meeting:

Zoom ID:3074429856


If you have any queries, please contact

Profile of ELITE Innovation College Cambridge (EICC)

ELITE Innovation College Cambridge was born during the pandemic with a mission tolead and push innovation in education and development. ELITE carries impact and significant connotation. We are privileged to educate students from around the global village. ELITE is an acronym of E-Learning of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship within an O2O innovation university in the global higher education. Almost all the universities and colleges are currently delivering courses online based upon the MOOC experiences since the outbreak of Covid-19. Our intention of establishment of ELITE O2O (online and offline) Innovative Education Platform is an exploration of an innovative education pedagogy of integrating the delivery of students learning experiences and education ethos with a global vision embedded in the teaching and learning strategy built into the technological system of O2O innovation university. Our commitment to excellence and innovation makes studying with ELITE Innovation College Cambridge a rewarding experience. Such a learning model demonstrates how various features and objectives of an innovative and entrepreneurial university be created, translated, articulated and achieved. The distinctiveness of this model lies in the unique design of delivery mode that is decided not only with the impact of the virus but also by the nature of knowledge, i.e. explicit knowledge is delivered online while tacit knowledge is transferred and transmitted through face-to-face.

Our college in many respects, is regarded as a globally-connected innovative and entrepreneurial university. With our forward-looking global vision, we are well positioned with strong features in the global higher education in the 21st century.

Contact us for more details:

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