Series of Global Innovation Webinar
New Normal and Rethinking: Global Innovation in Post COVID-19 Era
Strategic Themes:
Global Trends, Opportunities and Challenges
in Post Covid-19 Era for International Collaboration in the Global Higher Education, Global Economy and Science & Technology Innovation
Peace, Dignity and Equality on a Healthy Planet
Theme of the Month:
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Global Higher Education in Post COVID-19
Entrepreneurship is more than simply “starting a business.” Entrepreneurship is a process through which individuals identify opportunities, allocate resources and create value. This creation of value is often through the identification of unmet needs or through the identification of opportunities for making change. Entrepreneurship is not simply an inherited trait but to significant extent can be learned and developed. Technological, social and educational entrepreneurs are often more highly educated than the population average. Entrepreneurs often see “problems” not only as challenges but also as opportunities, then take action to identify the solutions to those problems and the clients who will pay to have those problems solved.
The term of “innovation” never stops shining when Joseph Schumpeter, an Austrian economist, coined the term in his book “Economic Development Theory” in 1912. Innovation is central to the wellbeing of societies, as well as to the health and growth of commercial companies. Innovation is found to be statistically three times more important to growth than other attributes or factors. Innovativeness, including a propensity to engage in new idea-generation and experimentation, is associated with performance and so is pro-activeness. It represents a great leverage in creating economic value. Innovation manifests itself in many ways and is hazardous to predict, both in its timing and its consequences. The penalty for not innovating is enormous. Technological innovation, the successful exploration and commercialization of new ideas, must underpin ever higher value-adding products, services and processes. Innovation is not limited to technological innovation only but more diversified. Innovation leads to the future and changes the world.
In this challenging time, no doubt universities have a strong commitment in providing the education of innovation and entrepreneurship, but themselves need to become more innovative and entrepreneurial. Universities needs strategic thinking and creative thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship, global and local engagement, with firm grasp of state of art technology and innovation.
In his report "Our Common Agenda," issued earlier this month , United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres proposed convening a "summit of the future" which would "forge a new global consensus on what our future should look like and how we can secure it." Linked to this is the idea of a global digital compact to ensure that technologies are a force for good. Our conversation looks at our future in a post COVID age and the power of technology and innovation as forces for creative good by offering opportunities for the unleashing of entrepreneurial skill and talent in a truly global sense, bringing together societies as much as individuals through education.
You will hear fresh perspectives from our distinguished speakers on entrepreneurship, resilience, innovation and creativity that are vital in tackling opportunities and challenges in the global higher education in post COVID-19 era.
The main goal of this series of innovation forums is to explore the new normal and rethinking of the global innovation trends, opportunities and challenges in the post COVID-19 era, inspire current and strategic thinking, provide a platform for exploring linkages and mechanisms, and explore appropriate and effective modes of maintaining peace, embracing innovation and sustainability, strategic alliances between governments, universities and global firms, international trade, knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing, culture creativity and technology innovation and collaboration globally. Our intent is to provoke creative and innovative ideas, by bringing together various stakeholders, including academics, researchers, university presidents, deans of business schools, corporate leaders, policy makers, venture capitalists, managers, and senior students for exchange of ideas, research findings, current experiences, best practices, and lessons learned. The intellectual lens will rotate around addressing various questions of new normal and rethinking of global trends, opportunities and challenges in the post covid-19 era with a focus on maintaining world peace, dignity and equality in a healthy planet.
•United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)
•Research Centre for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University (RCTI), China
•China Association for Management of Technology (CAMOT)
Host Institution
•ELITE Innovation College Cambridge (EICC), United Kingdom
•Media Sponsorship:
•UN New Media PeaceeverTV
•UN Chronical
•UNAI Newsletter
Key Words:
New Normal, Internationalization, Globalization, Post COVID-19, Global Academic Impact, Global Economic Environment, Embracing Innovation, Global Responsible Leadership, Collaboration and Development for Education, Science and Technology Innovation
Frequency: Monthly
Duration: 90 minutes
Date: 27th September 2021 (Monday)
Time: 13:00-14:30 GMT UK
Language: English
Format: Virtual / Zoom
Chaired by Ramu Damodaran
First Chief, United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), 2010-2021
Keynote Speakers
Professor Richard Li-Hua (15 Minutes)
Founder and President of ELITE Innovation College Cambridge,UK
A Journey in Creating an Innovative and Entrepreneurial University
Dr. Soon-Heung Chang (15 Minutes)
President of Handong Global University, Republic of Korea
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Post COVID-19 Era
Panel Discussion from Two Guest Speakers
Professor Mutya Tomasi, Kumi University, Uganda (10 Minutes)
Professor Sangwha Lee, Handong Global University, Republic of Korea (10 Minutes)
Question and Answer
Professor CHEN Jin
Director of Research Centre of Technology Innovation, Tsinghua University
Welcome to join EICC Online Global Innovation Webinar!
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Zoom ID:3074429856
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Profile of ELITE Innovation College Cambridge (EICC)
Our College
Our College was born during the pandemic with a mission to lead and push innovation. ELITE carries impact and significant connotation. ELITE is an acronym of e-learning of innovation, technology and entrepreneurship within an O2O Innovation University in the global higher education. Almost all the universities and colleges are currently delivering courses online based upon the MOOC experiences since the outbreak of Covid-19. Our intention of establishment of ELITE O2O (online and offline) Innovative Education Platform is an exploration of an innovative education pedagogy of integrating the delivery of programmes, knowledge, contents and education ethos with a global vision embedded in the teaching and learning strategy built into the technological system of O2O innovation university.
Such a system demonstrates how various features and objectives of innovative and entrepreneurial university can be created, translated, articulated and achieved. The distinctiveness of this system is to highlight that the teaching and learning mode is decided not only with the impact of the virus but also by the nature of knowledge. Explicit knowledge is delivered online while tacit knowledge is transferred through face-to-face. ELITE Innovation College Cambridge (EICC), in many respects, is regarded as a globally-connected innovative and entrepreneurial university. With our forward-looking global vision we are well positioned with strong features in the global higher education in the 21st century.
ELITE is an acronym of E-Learning of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship within an O2O innovation university in the global higher education. We are building four distinctive colleges based on the 15 years of scientific research and innovation accumulated by the [China Association for Management of Technology] (CAMOT) on the technology innovation platform of [ELITE Innovation College Cambridge]. Offline tutoring centers located in selected cities are closely connected. Through these colleges, at this stage we can build strong competitiveness and core advantages together with other academic colleges of the university.
Our O2O Structures
We continue to deliver our legacy and carry forward our footprints, our research philosophy and educational ethos and stress the organic and intrinsic linkage among attributes and/or factors between and among innovation, technology, entrepreneurship and global leadership and their complementarities. Hence our globally-connected university with strong features has been underpinned by the four pillars to enhance the student journey and employability:
· Innovation
· Technology
· Entrepreneurship
· Global leadership
Our teaching and learning pedagogy is to explore how competitive advantage and unique set of knowledge and skills can be delivered through strategic management of innovation, technology, entrepreneurship and global leadership and the organic linkages between and among them in business and management education and management practice.
By using our past experiences and global academic resources, we make every endeavour to convert this special knowledge into general education knowledge in the liberal arts education delivered though our well-crafted teaching and learning pedagogy in our well-established FOUR Colleges:
Camot College of Innovation
Camot College of Technology
Camot College of Entrepreneurship
Camot College of Global Leadership
Our college in many respects, is regarded as a globally-connected innovative and entrepreneurial university. With our forward-looking global vision, we are well positioned with strong features in the global higher education in the 21st century.
Contact us for more details: